The Climate Change Hoax

The Net Zero Paradox

Karl Michael Season 1 Episode 23

Are we being manipulated by those who claim to save the planet? Join me, Karl Michael, on the Climate Change Hoax Podcast as we challenge the mainstream narrative of climate change and question the true intentions behind the buzzwords like "net zero" and "projected." In this enlightening episode, we explore an article by Sundance from The Last Refuge, titled "Stop Pretending, Start Confronting," which urges individuals to question the pervasive pretense that systemic change is too difficult. We dissect the actions of prominent figures like John Kerry, who calls for reduced emissions while maintaining a high-emission lifestyle himself. It's time to confront the contradictions and empower ourselves with the truth.

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Speaker 1:

The Climate Change Hoax. If you're suspicious that this climate change stuff may be exaggerated or just total BS, you've come to the right place. Welcome to the Climate Change Hoax Podcast With your host, carl Michael. Here you'll learn the truth about the deceivers who want you to believe we can actually control the weather. We cannot. The real goal is to control you. This is the climate change hoax.

Speaker 2:

I would like to start with an article dated May 14th 2023, written by Sundance over at the Last Refuge. The title of the article is what Can I Do? Stop Pretending, start Confronting. Make the Debt Ceiling being Raised Contingent on the border being closed. There's a great deal of frustration righteous frustration about the seriously destabilizing constructs happening all around us, combined with almost no corrective action from people in power or influence that can do anything about it. This leads to the number one question people ask what can I do about it? The answer is not complex and consists of two obvious elements. First, stop pretending. In this, the author means the tendency of many to pretend it's just too hard to change things. Second, confront those who rely on our pretending. This point is self-explanatory. In this article, sundance goes on and gives common sense examples of how we, the people, can call out the ones in charge and explain to us their actions or the absence thereof. We can start with this grifter.

Speaker 3:

Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world, depending a little bit on how you count it, but it's anywhere from 26 to 33. And we can't get to net zero. We don't get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. But with a growing population on the planet, we just crossed the threshold of 8 billion fellow citizens around the world. We just crossed that in this last year.

Speaker 3:

Emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century. On the current course that we are today, a two-degree future could result in an additional 600 million people not getting enough to eat, could result in an additional 600 million people not getting enough to eat, and you just can't continue to both warm the planet while also expecting to feed it. Doesn't work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system to keep the 1.5 degrees alive. Why do we have to keep 1.5 degrees alive? Because scientists, as a basis of physics and mathematics not ideology and politics or party labels or anything else as a matter of physics and mathematics, and some biology and chemistry have told us these are the consequences and we already see it happening and almost everything they've predicted for 30 plus years now is coming true. But the problem see it happening and almost everything they've predicted for 30 plus years now is coming true, but the problem is it's coming through faster and bigger than was in fact predicted.

Speaker 2:

First of all, let me point out some key words and statements used in his address. We can't get to net zero. Of course we can't. It is unobtainable Because there is no such thing. It's a buzz phrase used by the left Projected. Their entire so-called climate crisis argument is based on this word, which means estimated or forecast on the basis of current trends. Folks, they are predicting stuff to happen 100 years from now. We can't accurately forecast the weather. Much past three or four days Could result. Translation he also claims everything they predicted in the last 30 years has happened. That, my friends, is a bald-faced lie, and he knows it.

Speaker 2:

John Kerry currently serves as the first US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. He was anointed or appointed by the corrupt Joe Biden, who really doesn't believe in this so-called climate crisis, but reads what's on the teleprompter anyway. Now Kerry, as climate czar and I think he likes being called czar flies around the globe in his gas-guzzling Gulfstream G4, warning us that the worst is yet to come if we, not him, don't stop emitting CO2 into the air. Now you may be thinking what a hypocrite. His jet is a virtual CO2 factory, but he claims his jet is necessary in his work to save the planet, and we should be thankful he is doing so. Kerry is a perfect example of the people we should be calling out, especially now, because Biden and Kerry created this office of the US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate for the sole purpose of justifying the destruction of the oil and gas industry. Their stupid office now has official status and a budget, and once a government office is created, it almost never goes away, and these grifters know that it's there for the next grifter in charge. So stop pretending. This new office is here to stay. It can and will be shut down.

Speaker 2:

If we confront his press releases, videos and social media posts with questions and you don't have to be a PhD in global atmosphere or climatology either Simple questions like why are you doing this, hey, john? What's the reason for claiming the war in Ukraine is about climate change? What's your salary, by the way? The latter is apparently a big secret, which begs this question. Why are you hiding your salary? Which begs this question why are you hiding your salary? Sundance's article concludes with these thoughts, and I quote those who trade in the art of deception will always find an audience willing to be deceived. Quit looking for someone else to do the job. Start putting yourself in the position to challenge them with obvious questions and stay out of the weeds. Just ask the obvious and, for the love of all that is good and righteous in this world, quit pretending Now.

Speaker 2:

Most of my listeners and I are convinced this climate crisis is a hoax. The data proves it. So please excuse me if I sound like I'm preaching to the choir. I am simply pointing out more reasons why these asshats need to be stopped. They are scaring the hell out of our kids, who don't deserve to live their lives in a constant state of fear. But there is good news we, armed with the truth, are making the climate crazies even crazier, especially after Elon bought Twitter. So keep up the good work, my fellow crisis deniers. Your defiance is necessary and it's working. So keep up the good work, my fellow crisis deniers. Your defiance is necessary.

Speaker 4:

See you next time on the Climate Change Hoax.