The Climate Change Hoax
If you’re suspicious that this climate change stuff may be exaggerated or just total BS?…you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to The Climate Change Hoax podcast with your host, Karl Michael. Here you will learn the truth about the deceivers who want you to believe we can actually control the weather….we cannot. The real goal is to control...you.
The Climate Change Hoax
The Hidden Agendas in Science Textbooks
What if the climate change narrative is not just exaggerated but a grand hoax designed to control you? On the latest episode of the Climate Change Hoax Podcast, we boldly challenge the prevailing climate change beliefs fed to us since the 1970s. As your host, Karl Michael, I peel back the layers of how educational systems have been weaving cultural, political, and economic ideologies into science books, masquerading them as pure education. Ever wondered why your kid's science lessons feel more like a rallying cry for activism? Join me as we expose the real motivations behind this indoctrination, transforming students not into thinkers, but into crusaders for non-existent problems.
The Climate Change Hoax. If you're suspicious that this climate change stuff may be exaggerated or just total BS, you've come to the right place. Welcome to the Climate Change Hoax Podcast With your host, carl Michael. Here you'll learn the truth about the deceivers who want you to believe we can actually control the weather. We cannot. The real goal is to control you. This is the Climate Change Hoax.
Speaker 2:And greetings climate crisis deniers. Last week's episode started a new season on the climate change hoax and now we begin season two. And to start off in this episode, I will, for the moment, focus less on presenting evidence that there is no climate crisis and more on exposing why the belief is so universal and accepted. Well, this omnipresent belief that we as a species are causing climatic changes can be traced to what has been taught in schools since the 1970s. Don't believe me. Pick up your kid's science book and read it. This is what you'll find Stuff like Issues Based Learning, which is nothing but a misleading title to cover up for what it really is. It's like calling the garbage man a waste management engineer. Of course you'll read about climate change, conservation and environmental sustainability.
Speaker 2:Today's science books are not just about empirical science Not anymore. They are rife with cultural, environmental, economic, political ideologies and other sociological crap. Instead of simply teaching about weather patterns and the cyclical nature of nature, students explore science in the context of climate change and its so-called implications. For example, here's some notable science books that are just dripping with this stupid intersection of science and society. Basher Science Climate Change this cute little book uses manga-style illustrations to explain climate change concepts to kids, you know, like greenhouse gases, weather systems, renewable energy and the big bad human. Weather systems, renewable energy and the big bad human. It's full of leftist climate doctrine that is sure to turn your little darling into another Greta Thunberg. How about this? True green kids 100 things you can do to save the planet Well, isn't that nice?
Speaker 2:The author is Kim McKay. She calls herself a social marketing consultant and is co-founder and deputy chairwoman of Clean Up Australia and Clean Up the World Yet another wacko that has taken to writing books to create more wackos. Start them early, eh, Kim. And, of course, the infamous and inconvenient truth by our old buddy Al Gore. It was targeted at the young and all it did was scare the hell out of kids with tales of doom and gloom. Some kids, now adults, still have visions of dying polar bears, which, of course, was BS. Al Gore and his atrocity was exposed as a hoax by many well-respected climatologists, also by me, in episodes 8 and 9, and I encourage you to have a listen. Okay, carl? So what are the goals of science books that approach science and society as being the same? Well, before I answer, remember the authors of these books and educators using these books are card-carrying leftists that more than likely have ideological, political and economic skin in the game.
Speaker 2:These educational references claim various things. Here's just a few. They're going to equip students with a deeper understanding of scientific developments and their implications on daily life. Now, on face value, this sounds fairly benign. Daily life Now, on face value, this sounds fairly benign, but in the eyes of a climate crisis wacko. It means to make students keenly aware of how mankind is destroying the planet and, if not recognized, daily life could become unbearable. Now, how's that for a subliminal scare tactic? Eh, here's another. To foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the context of real-world issues. In other words, we should start thinking of solutions to problems that may not exist. And finally, to promote active citizenship and environmental stewardship by empowering students to make informed decisions and take responsible actions. Let me say that again Promote active citizenship and environmental stewardship by empowering students to make informed decisions and take responsible actions. Here's what that means to me and to anyone that has witnessed a leftist rally or protest. You, kids, stop being douchebags and clean up after yourselves.
Speaker 2:How about some recent publications by these lovable leftists? One Earth People of Color, protecting Our Planet. This book highlights the important contributions of people of color in environmental conservation. One Earth People of Color Protecting Our Planet. Imagine a book entitled One Earth White People Protecting Our Planet. Yeah, green careers Choosing work for a sustainable future. This one demonstrates an emphasis on environmental sustainability and social justice in science education Demonstrates an emphasis on environmental sustainability and social justice in science education.
Speaker 2:Folks ask yourself this question what the hell is social justice doing in our textbooks on science? Well, I'll tell you Social justice, science and the climate are all conveniently combined to cause confusion. That's it Create enough gray areas so no one really knows what the hell is going on. Meanwhile, the leftist climate crisis, wackos and socialists are getting away with teaching our kids all sorts of Marxist dribble, including. The planet is dying and we are causing it. Here's the rub Facts and the real science are just ignored and replaced with misleading, unscientific dribble.
Speaker 2:Remember the leftist radicals of the 60s. They all became professors and have brainwashed the teachers, who, in turn, are brainwashing our children today. And it will go on and on and on unless we stop it. Our books, our magazines, places of work, places of worship, our politics and regulatory agencies everything, just about every source for information, is now tainted. You know, put a climate crisis and social justice spin on every damn thing. Google, youtube, wikipedia, especially Wikipedia, radio, tv, music Movies they're all knee-deep in junk, especially Wikipedia, radio, tv, music movies they're all knee-deep in junk science, half-truths and bald-faced lies. And the mainstream media they're the national distributors for disinformation. It's not us they want us to believe. We must destroy our free society to save their planet. In order to do this, america must acknowledge that social inequality, climate and science are all intertwined. It is not. Social issues do not belong in our kids' science books Period. It's time we return to science being science, the climate being the weather and social justice being law enforcement. Cheers.
Speaker 1:You've been listening to the Climate Change Hoax. We hope you've enjoyed the show. If you did, make sure to like, rate and review.
Speaker 2:See you next time on the Climate Change.
Speaker 1:Hoax.